Management Strategies Inc 

  An International Company

Key Components:

Memory Enhancement

Stress Management

Study Habits

Time Management



Goal Setting

Gaining Confidence

Elimination of Distractions

Sensory Involvement

NeuroLinguistic Skill Development

Positive Self-talk & Affirmations


Facilitate Valuable Learning By:

bulletEstablishing better study habits

bulletIncreasing motivation for success

bulletBoosting self confidence

bulletReducing study stresses

bulletDe-bunking fear of examinations

bulletImproving memory and recall

bulletEliminating internal “noise”


I develop and use effective study habits!   

I take pleasure in studying!  

I are motivated to study!  

I possess a deep sense of concentration.

I plan my time so that I will meet your commitments.

I want to study.  I enjoy studying.   

Remembering is easier and easier. 

I make and take the time to study.

I clear away all distractions. 

Distractions do not interfere with my goal - they enhance my focus.

I have a powerful motivation to acquire knowledge.  

I am disciplined.  I am organized.  

I practice recall of the information that I study.  

I believe in MY ability.  

I am  relaxed emotionally, physically, and mentally!


Avoiding Procrastination

  • Pre-commitment - Make promises that  you keep - Force yourself to do what needs to be done.  

  • Do unpleasant tasks when you have the most energy.

  • Set attainable goals and do the work in steps. Plan, Prioritize and Pace!

  • Eliminate distractions - unplug TV and computer!

  • Commit to do the job as quickly as possible - set a time limit from start to finish.

  • Find the reasons why you procrastinate - and eliminate them! 


Study Habits & Enhanced Learning Skills

Can our method really help improve your grades and enhance your learning?

YES! Our method can provide you with winning strategies to excel and achieve your greatest potential!    We can eliminate the things that can hamper your effort to be successful such as:

  •  Bad study habits,

  • Poor memory,

  • Low self-esteem,

  •  Lack of motivation,

  •  Internal distractions,

  • Negative attitudes

  • The fear of failure.  

  • Procrastination

It is possible to place ourselves in a winning stance to establish or reinforce:

  • More effective personal learning habits, 

  • Boosting self-esteem, 

  • Relieving stress,

  • Creating motivation.


With these combined skills at our disposal we achieve our goals to reach our highest potential with the resultant enhanced learning and improved memory.  All of this leads to significant improvements on test scores and the highest level of success in the classroom or on the job.  You have all the resources - working together we can get them into full functionality!

The rewards are achieved exponentially!  You attain...

1) Improved focus and concentration while in class and during the very important study time.

Receive the tools to make the most of your natural abilities.  You  learn powerful self-hypnotic techniques so that - - on demand - - you  enter into a hyper-learning state of awareness.  This hyper-learning state enables you to take full advantage of your focus, concentration, and maximize subject matter retention.  You are comfortable will your intelligence and your skills.

2) Increased aptitude to remember and recall information.

You acquire an enhanced memory – resulting in improved test scores.  Memory – the ability to remember and recall previously learned material – is a crucial element essential for successful performance in the testing situation.  You maximize your ability to remember and recall. 

3) Annihilation of your fears and heighten self-confidence.

Fear and/or self-doubt are major obstructions to learning.  Learn the skills to relax your body and mind at will, enjoy your feelings of confidence, You become skilled at the ability to regain control, motivation for success, and overcome the fear of exams. Learning to identify and abolish negative "self-talk” is a powerful practice that removes the "self-fulfilling prophecies of failure" that so many people  unconsciously transmit to themselves.

4) Elimination of the stress and anxiety resulting from cramming, nervousness and “blank-out”

Conquer your nervousness by preparing for exams without the stress that normally is the outcome of cramming.  Learn a powerful hypnotic system of creating a calm, focused state of mind at will – anytime, anywhere - especially in the testing environment.  gain knowledge of and practice the skills that are most conducive to facilitating maximum recall.  You are very secure with your knowledge. 

4) Establishment of Goals

You find that the setting of goals is unhampered by outside distractions and pressures.  You are focused and on a path to achievement – attaining high levels of success in every thing that you set out to accomplish. There is no limit to your potential!

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Memory Enhancement

What Is Memory?

Memory is the method of storage and retrieval of information in the brain - the most  fundamental key to learning.

Your subconscious mind can call to mind everything that's happened within your range of awareness, whether it be remembrance of a past event, where a misplaced item is, studied subject matter, names, addresses, numbers or any information needed at a specific time for a specific reason.  Our methods help; forgetting is reduced, names, dates and numbers are remembered, and a lot of frustration is avoided.   

The Three Types of Human Remembering

  • Sensory memory: the recall of your senses: includes functions like seeing, smelling, feeling, hearing and tasting.  It is necessary to train our brains to enjoy and function in full awareness of our senses. 
  • Motor skill memory: retaining information about how to perform physical activities like riding a bicycle, driving a car, swimming, dancing, etc.  A big skill - that needs constant practice.
  • Memory of words, ideas and concepts: the most important and complex capacity of memory,  

The level of meaningfulness is important in memory development. Meaningfulness is key to organizing the material to be learned into a logical pattern, emphasizing the broadest concept, the theme, and then reducing the focus to fitting details.  The power of association and creativity is an important tool for memory development. 

The "Three R's" of Remembering - or Recalling Process - All 3 steps are equally vital.

  1. REGISTERING - Taking note of what you want to remember.  
  2. RETAINING -  Storing information.
  3. RETRIEVING - Recalling or getting information from your memory.

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Stress Management

In the Learning Environment. 

Stress can be an overwhelming distraction to a student or test taker.

Many of the skills of the HypnoCounselor, including creative visualization, metaphor, life reframing, and direct suggestion, to mention a few, are used to help reach the balanced state of calm and relaxation so essential for the successful management of stress.  The Key word is – balanced!

A more relaxed mind-set will help the student's performance in school.  Improved study habits need to be addressed in conjunction with the stress reduction. Confidence in the tools that a student used assists in confidence of subject matter and retention.  It is appropriate to determine the deficiencies in the student's study habits and reach a clear understanding of which skills need improving. Like all skills practice is needed.  During the hypnosis session, positive patterns of study behavior that will be used to replace the negative habits are reinforced. Continued reinforcement is critical to attaining an enhanced learning experience.  Performance and stress a kind of Ping-Pong Game.  Performance is closely linked with stress: stress can both interfere with good performance as well as be the result of bad performance.

We need to keep sight of this belief in our focus.  Sometimes it is difficult to make a distinction as to which source of stress came first: the “dread” of not performing well or merely not performing well.  The skill and habits associated with the performance need to be a top priority.

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Study Habits

Your study habits are affected by both external and internal conditions.  One external factor would be the physical location of the study area.  We learn best when we study in a specific location where external distraction is at a minimum.  (Free of TV, stereo, interruptions by family and friends, or telephone, pager or computer contact.)  There are two arena's of thought on this - one school says distractions enhance the power to stay focused.  I think it depends on the individual and what works best.   

Concentration is essential to learning, so if it becomes difficult to concentrate, it's best to leave the study area for a break.  A five minute break every half-hour can improve your concentration and make learning easier.  Soft background music or sounds can enhance the learning environment.

Internally factors such as poor time management drains your energy and emotions, which negatively affects the learning process.  Organization is the solution.  Break it down into easily accomplishable segments. Hypnosis can help by programming these procedures into a learner, and hypnosis a wonderful way to block out the unavoidable external distractions.

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Time Management

    --not necessarily more time!
Our program consists of practical applications of real time skills and planning tools.  You will leave with methods and tools to apply immediately to aid in you own individual method of time management.  If poor time management is serious problem for you, the problem may go deeper than merely setting up a schedule.  We need to set realistic goals about how we accomplish our tasks no set plan is good for every one or every household or every student.  The fundamental problem may not be "   ...  Not having enough time..."  but, rather, a bad set of life-style imperatives. 

Procrastination is one of the most common experiences that consumes study time.  This is a major time management issue, it is one of the most difficult problems to confront students. The extreme procrastinator is stuck in time, not able to do anything.  We will cover this and other classic examples of wasting time! 

Use the time you have set aside to study more efficiently with better concentration and a higher level of energy. You can experience the benefits of good study habits immediately.  This field of HypnoCounseling is exciting in itself! 

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This tool can assist individuals in all aspects of life situations!  Each person that goes through any of our programs learns the effectiveness of self-hypnosis.  All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis.  You will learn effective methods to experience self-hypnosis.  

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Motivation seems to elude us in the absence of reward.  A powerful element in learning is  reward, the recognition of personal achievement and self appreciation expressed through reward.  The anticipation of a reward creates motivation.  Planning for small rewards at various increments of progress maintains excitement and stimulation.  Each individual has their own personal concepts of what a reward is - we need to spend time discovering an individual's personal motivational concepts.  What are the rewards that we want for ourselves!  Often we do not even know what motivates us.  Here at MSI we focus on the positives.  And... through careful examination we eliminate many negatives.  

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Goal Setting

Goal Setting

  • See our web page dedicated to Goal Setting

  • Be sure your goals are your own. Whose life is it? Do what means most to you. Self-set goals are the best motivators!

  • Write your goals. This helps to lessen the odds of losing sight of your goals and it increases your commitment.

  • Aim high - provide a challenge - but make your goals realistic and attainable.  Good goals are never  too easy or impossible. They will help you grow. 

  • Goals should be as specific and measurable as possible. Don't say, "I want a better job." Ask yourself: What kind of job? Making how much money? In what industry? Living where? Requiring what kind of skill? By when? Be specific with what you want this will save an enormous amount of time and effort.

  • Every goal should have a target date. Never think of a goal as a goal until you set a deadline for accomplishment.

  • Check your major goals for compatibility. Don't create goals in conflict with one another. 

  • Frequently revise and update your goals. As a growing person your needs will change over time, and this means goals will have to be modified, discarded and added from time to time. 

  • Plan flexibly. No goals should be carved in stone.  We all change.

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Gaining Confidence

We are responsible for our own study habits - with stronger study skills, better grades and higher self-esteem we increase our self-confidence.  Confidence will soar as positive results are achieved.  You enjoy studying and enjoy the results of your efforts!  

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Elimination of Distractions

Fear can be an obstruction and major distraction to learning; and the presence of fear makes one a prime candidate for Hypno-Counseling.  With hypnosis, you can relax at will, experience feelings of confidence, use a cue (or post hypnotic suggestion) to regain control, motivation for success, or defuse the fear of exams.


Disorganized minds emerge from Hypno-Counseling with purpose, direction and organization.  Attitudes change, poor habit are overcome, structure to one's organizing systems become habit and enthusiasm can be developed; all of which increases self respect.  With Hypno-Counseling, students can achieve their scholastic goals while developing the kind of good habits that will provide a lifetime of benefits. 


Special Situations (with Physician referral)

Research shows that hypnosis is as effective as Ritalin in treating ADD in children.  (Presented at the American Psychological Association Meeting , 1999)  Special Education children and Specially Challenged children with their unique needs are wonderful subjects for Hypno-Counseling.  It is a strong tool to improve their learning and behavior experiences.  

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Sensory Involvement

Learn More When You Use All of Your Senses
In hypnosis, the more sensory inputs we utilize the more likely it is to create change for a person.  This is also true for learning and memory. Long term retention is lacking when we learn from just reading or listening to a lecture.   What IS conducive to long term learning?  Feeling, Seeing, Hearing, Touching and Doing. The experts say that we remember approximately 20% of what we read, about 30% of what we hear, about 40% of what we see, about 50% of what we say, about 60% of what we do, and.... about 90% of what we see, hear, say AND do!  This is a great and extremely effective strategy.  It is "Whole" learning involving every facet of our entire being.  What could be more effective!   

Your learning will improve when you make an effort to utilize all of your sensory systems.  If learning from a book, pause once in a while, close your eyes and create internal dialogue with yourself so you're actually commenting to yourself about what you are learning and how you'll remember it.  Learning becomes more vivid and real to you.  Create a "Flow" experience as you learn. If you can imagine yourself teaching others what you're learning,  you'll benefit even more because preparing to teach is one of the best ways to learn!  

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NeuroLinguistic Skills 

NLP Skill Development for Learning Enhancement

NLP provides the tools to understand these processes and develop the individual's ability to adapt whatever they do that does not bring them the results they want, into processes that do.

Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of how each individual makes sense of his/her world uniquely through different personality patterns and sensory filters.

Each person's memories, beliefs, values, decisions, favored sense (Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic), and what are called Metaprograms, develop over time into a unique 'model of the world'. Each of us uses this internal map and our own modalities   to make sense of the world around us. This map has a profound effect on our thoughts and behaviors, and our relationships with others because we tend to think that our map is the same as everybody else's.  We need to widen our scope of the world and realize everyone's patterns are unique to themselves.  We need to understand these patterns to learn and also to use in our feedback.  

By understanding the structure of our map we can identify negative thought patterns that inhibit us (and change them); by understanding the structure of someone else's map we can assist them in doing the same thing, or use it to improve our relationship with them, whether in a business or personal context.

The NAME: 

  • Neuro - the fundamental idea that all behavior is the result of the information we receive from our 5 senses.
  • Linguistic - the fact that we use language to order our thoughts and communicate.
  • Programming - the ways we use the above to create our behavior

It can be difficult to describe 'what' NLP is without placing it in a context. It is easier to describe 'how' it can help in a given situation. Its potential application is almost unlimited. It has been used to improve performance in sport; academic performance; sales; therapy, and self-development. It has the potential to improve any situation where communication is a factor, whether between you and someone else, or just with yourself.

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Positive Affirmations Once we establish the individual learning style - a personal set of affirmations is developed.  Affirmations are structured statements that provide positive self-talk and continue to increase our focus and reaffirm our personal goals.  Some typical study habit affirmations might be:
  • I enjoy challenges
  • I think successfully
  • I enjoy studying and learning new ideas and concepts
  • I always enjoy the positive and avoid the negative
  • I am disciplined, decisive, and capable of learning
  • I am capable of success
  • I enjoy practicing my skills
  • I am committed to excelling and being the best at all I do
  • I perform better under pressure

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In a word - - - Can HypnoCounseling Help?
 YES!  Low self esteem detracts from learning; so does lack of motivation, bad study habits, poor memory, the absence of reward, and fear.  Hypno-Counseling can establish or reprogram effective personal learning habits, boost self-esteem, relieve stress and create motivation; all of which can result in enhanced learning and improved memory.   Our methods replace the negative with positives and build on all the resources that each individual has as their own!!

Four Simple Steps That Work:

  • Accepting learning as an opportunity
  • Changing negative habits and procedures
  • Improving your confidence & self-esteem
  • Don't delay call our offices now and schedule your 1st session. 
  • Talk with one of our counselors. (570) 223-9600

Helping Students Gain Better Study Habits:


As a recommendation of from a graduate student - Hailey Johnson - I am attaching a link here to supplement my tools for improving study habits.  This link contains additional reinforcement material for developing good study habits.  The  link is loaded with articles, mostly from academic sources, that are varied and wide ranging and along the same lines as what we have covered here.  A good read.  Thank you, Hailey!




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